ANGLING FOR EVERYONE - the best ever Angling Section at the Game Fair with Stevie Munn's new Fly Fair (
Sited within an anglers paradise of Lough Neagh, and the Sixmilewater and Maine rivers the angling section has been greatly strengthened by Steve Munn ,
who organises the highly successful Galway Fly Fair bringing a new fly fair to the Game Fair (
As Stevie says "With only one Game Fair in Ireland this year a record attendance is expected at Ireland's largest outdoor event and this year the angling community
will have something very special with the opportunity to see some of the finest fly dressers practice their art, while top fly casters, will be available to demonstrate
and advise on fly casting techniques and fishing tactics.
Apart from the normal Game Fair exhibits, we are organising an amazing specialist fly fishing and angling fair situated in the wonderful old Railway Station
being the perfect Fly Dressers Hall, we will have a huge floored marquee for trade stands with a casting area so you can try before you buy.
The 2022 Irish Game Fair at Shanes Castle is an ALL IRELAND game fair. With a new specialist angling attendance at the BEST EVER PROMOTED IRISH ANGLING EVENT.
A great weekend to meet up with old friends and make new ones! This show is a must for all angling enthusiasts and one that all the family can enjoy."
PLUS there is a major information stands by DAERA Fisheries Division and all sorts ofangling tuition and displays.
Also of course access to all the other attractions of Ireland's largest country sports event set in the stunning traditional setting of the Shanes Castle Estate.
The great range of competitions is supported by a huge tented village of trade stands including an extended Fine Food Festival with celebrity chef, Emmett McCourt,
author of the award winning book Feast or Famine, and a keen angler himself, cooking all types of game and fish dishes in the Flogas Kitchen.
The event is supported by a number of organisations including FISSTA, the Federation of Irish Salmon and Seat Trout Anglers ; the Ulster Angling Federation (UAF), APGAI Ireland, Country Sports Ireland and CAI.
 Arthur Davidson Vice Chairman APGA Ireland will be giving Fly tying instruction.
THE PUT AND TAKE FISHERY organised by Bobby Bryans and NSN.
This focus on introducing children which was piloted in previous years and , proved enormously successful, as Bobby from NSN explains. "The whole package entails
dropping in to the APGAI Ireland Fly Dressers stand to tie up a fly, have a few casting lessons with the APGAI Ireland Casting Instructors, and then come catch a
rainbow trout which can be taken home for the table, cooked on site by celebrity chef Emmett McCourt - author of the award winning Book 'Feast and Famine' or
released if preferred.
So, bring your kids along to our stand which is located on the way out of the fair right on the shore of the Lough. We would like to recognise the contribution
that DAERA's Fisheries Division have made this year again with the donation of trout and we would also like to thank all who helped for the loan of extra equipment
if required. Permitted methods will be fly in designated areas and bait fishing in a designated area."
 Children at the Put and Take Fishery
And young anglers should look out for the very slippery leprechaun who can be seen in the angling area. He has written a best selling book on angling "Fishing With
a Leprechaun" available from Amazon.
