Ireland's PREMIER INTERNATIONAL canine events
Over 42 years, the Great Game Fairs of Ireland have consistently led the field in terms of the range of canine competitions, their prize structures,
their national and international working dog events and the quality of their working dog facilities. In view of the uncertainty post Covid for 2022 we
have again decided to forgo an international team event in favour of putting the funds into a great prize structure.
Gundogs at Shanes Castle 25th and 26th June 2022
This year the format of the gundogs has included the international team events being mothballed but replaced by domestic events with some of the best
prize money in Ireland on offer. And this should attract individual international competition!
 The Red Mills Spaniel Events Saturday 25th June 2022

Organised by The Antrim & Down Springer Spaniel Club
Ken Lindsay (Gundog Director) & Willie Thompson
The Red Mills Puppy Spaniel Test (Start 9.30) followed by Novice, Lunch 12.30 - 2.00 pm and then Open Spaniel Tests (Starting 2.00pm) organised by
the Antrim & Down Springer Spaniel Club.
Prizes for Puppy Test
1st £25 and Bag of Red Mills plus Hip Flask
2nd £15 and Bag of Red Mills
3rd £10
Prizes for Novice and Open Test
1st £50 and Red Mills Dog Food plus Hip Flask
2nd £30 and Red Mills Dog Food
3rd £20
Top scoring spaniel overall : £250
Top Scoring Cocker: £50 and Hip Flask
 Sunday 26th June 2022 Feedwell Retriever Tests

Retriever Tests organised by the Labrador Club of NI. There are three events: An Unclassified Test; A Novice Test and an Open Test.
Prize for Prelim Test
1st £25 and Bag of Feedwell plus Hip Flask
2nd £15 and Bag of Feedwell
3rd £10
Prizes for Novice and Open Test
1st £50 Hip Flask plus Bag of Feedwell Dog Food
2nd £30 and a bag of Feedwell Dog Food
3rd £20
Rosettes to Fourth place
There will also be gundog demos in the main arena - do give them your support.